Thursday, May 10, 2012

This is a Snakehead, they are highly invasive and may disrupt our fishing by harming our native fish. It is illegal to posess a live Snakehead or their eggs. They are top predators capable of growing to at least three feet long.Their teeth are similar to pike and walleye, they prey on fish, frogs, crayfish and aquatic insects. They can inhabit virtually any of our rivers, lakes and streams as they air breathing predators so they can cross land. They may survive for days out of water and the young fish can move across the ground to access water. Snakehead's spawn multiple times each year and the females release tens of thousands of egg's each time. The eggs hatch in one to two days during the summer monthes and the parents will guard their young until they begin to feed. Upon hatching, the young begin feeding on plankton then consuming other fish larvae when they are less than One Inch Long! Please be aware that these Predators are a threat to our native species and contact the DEC if you catch one. Region 3    845-256-3161

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